O Evento

A realização da sétima edição do International Symposium on Immunobiologicals (ISI) teve como objetivos principais o fomento à inovação, a geração de conhecimento de ponta e o networking entre especialistas para acelerar o desenvolvimento de soluções em biotecnologia para os problemas de saúde pública. Na edição de 2021, o ISI ganhou um formato digital, que permitiu a participação à distância nas palestras, mesas redondas, minicursos e workshops, que foram transmitidos em tempo real da plataforma virtual especialmente concebida para responder a esta nova realidade imposta pela pandemia. Já em 2022 o ISI se tornou um evento híbrido, que contou também com sessões presenciais seguindo todos os protocolos de segurança, uma vez que o estágio da pandemia possibilitou a volta de algum contato físico. Porém em 2023, o evento passa a ser prioritariamente presencial, com atividades participativas, para estimular a troca de conhecimentos e a interação entre os participantes.

Seja presencialmente ou através da plataforma virtual, o ISI é o espaço ideal para buscar conhecimento de ponta na área de biotecnologia no mundo, conhecer pesquisadores e cientistas de destaque, compartilhar o que se está fazendo e ouvir o feedback de seus pares na área de pôsteres, além de obter atualizações sobre temas importantes para as carreiras da área e ficar sabendo o que as empresas de destaque no mercado estão oferecendo.


Abertura das inscrições para o 8th International Symposium on Immunobiologicals em breve!

A participação no ISI é gratuita e aberta a todos os profissionais ou estudantes, além de pesquisadores da área de imunobiológicos e afins, provenientes de instituições de produção e/ou desenvolvimento tecnológico de vacinas, biofármacos ou reativos para diagnóstico, bem como envolvidos na área de saúde pública. Também se destinam a empreendedores, startups, investidores e agências de fomento. A inscrição é gratuita tanto para brasileiros quanto para estrangeiros, desde que se enquadrem nos requisitos acima mencionados.

Exposição de Pôsteres

Conheça a exposição de pôsteres do 8th International Symposium on Immunobiologicals

Não deixe de apresentar o seu trabalho no 8º International Symposium on Immunobiologicals. 

Trabalhos inéditos sobre vacinas, kits para diagnóstico e biofármacos, gestão ou outros temas relacionados podem ser enviados até o dia 7 de março. Não há limite para o número de resumos a serem submetidos por autor. Caso selecionados, os trabalhos participarão da exposição de pôsteres, que em 2023 volta a ser presencial durante o evento, aumentando a visibilidade e as possibilidades de interação com os pares. Mas continua tendo também sua divulgação virtual, com espaço para o resumo, vídeo e o pôster, além da possibilidade de chat com os participantes e videoconferências. Não deixe de submeter o seu trabalho!

Confira o que aconteceu no 7th ISI!

Quer saber o que aconteceu no 7th International Symposium on Immunobiologicals (ISI)?

Confira as edições anteriores!

Quer saber como foi o International Symposium on Immunobiologicals (ISI) e ver um pouco do que já aconteceu?

Últimas notícias

8th ISI promove olhar para o futuro

A oitava edição do International Symposium on Immunobiologicals – ISI foi concluída com o olhar para o futuro que permeou todo o evento e números que expressam a relevância da iniciativa de Bio-Manguinhos. O encontro híbrido e gratuito durou três

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ISI News

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ISI News

Se inscreva para ficar por dentro das nossas novidades.

Últimas notícias

8th ISI promove olhar para o futuro

A oitava edição do International Symposium on Immunobiologicals – ISI foi concluída com o olhar para o futuro que permeou todo o evento e números que expressam a relevância da iniciativa de Bio-Manguinhos. O encontro híbrido e gratuito durou três

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Programação do 8º ISI 2023

Confira o que aconteceu no evento de 2023

  • May 07

  • Digital Transformation in the Biopharmaceutical Industry

    On-site: Capacity Building Auditorium Centro Administrativo Vinicius Fonseca

  • Artificial Intelligence and diagnostic tools: Challenges for application in the Unified Health System (SUS)


  • Exploring Advanced Therapies: From conception to clinical practice

    On-site: Capacity Building – Auditorium Centro Administrativo Vinicius Fonseca

  • Adjuvants for human use and their different applications


  • Upon registration here.
    Technological Vaccine Complex and Castelo Mourisco

  • Upon registration here.
    Technological Vaccine Complex and Castelo Mourisco

  • May 08

  • Credentials

    Science talks 1: Opening of the poster exhibition

  • Oral presentation 2: ORT-01 – Investigation of recombinant SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein thermal properties and its nucleic acid interaction – Luanna Elisa Liebscher Vidal

  • Chair: Julio Croda, Fiocruz*

    Rolling submission process: lessons learned from Covid-19
    Meiruze Souza Freitas, Anvisa**

    The impact of COVID-19 in Africa and lessons for the future
    Christopher Gill, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation*

    New accelerated technologies for diagnostics, vaccines and treatmens
    Rino Rappuoli, Biotecnopolo di Siena Foundation

  • Coffee break

    Poster pitch 1: VAC-06 – Immunita-001: Cross-sectional study of immunogenicity, safety and infection by SARS-CoV-2 in adults vaccinated with the inactivated virus vaccine (CoronaVac) in a two-dose protocol and heterologous booster doses
    Sarah Vieira Contin Gomes

    Poster pitch 2: VAC-07 – Cellular response in severe adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination
    Felipe Soares Coelho

    Poster pitch 3: ORT-05 – Spatial-temporal patterns in biologic prescriptions for inflammatory bowel diseases in the public healthcare system in Brazil
    Caroline Tianeze de Castro

    Poster pitch 4: ORT-08 – Correlation between detection of viral gastroenteritis and climatic factors in the Northwest Am.azon región
    Nathalia Alves Araujo de Almeida

  • Chair:
    Mauricio Zuma, Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz*

    Rajinder Suri / DCVMN*

    Adriansjah Azhari, Biofarma; Tiago Rocca, Butantan*; Venkatraman Sivaramakrishnan, BharatBiotech; Rachel Park, EuBiologics; Sunil Gairola, Serum Institute of India*; Andrew Wong, Walvax; Fernando Lobos, Sinergium Biotech

  • Poster pitch 5: BIO-06 – Evaluation of sporicidal activity of 2%peracetic acid against filamentous fungus strains for contamination control strategy in a pharmaceutical industry
    Amanda Silva Costa

    Poster pitch 6: ORT-07 – FUT2 gene profile of children with acute gastroenteritis, HBGA non-secretors living in the Northwest Amazon region, and association with rotavirus A and norovirus infection
    Mauro França da Silva

    Poster pitch 7: ORT-02 – Evaluation of Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy as a rapid method to type Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strains isolated from pharmaceutical industry
    Paula Araujo de Souza

    Poster pitch 8: ORT-15 – Comparison between different VITEK® 2 and MALDI Biotyper® for the identification of Bacillus subtilis group
    Laís dos Santos Oliveira

    Poster pitch 9: ORT-10 – Antimicrobial resistance profile and aggregation capacity evaluation of Burkholderia cepacia complex strains isolated in a pharmaceutical facility
    Francisca Letícia de Sousa Sales

    Poster pitch 10: MAN-03 – Interchangeability of Adalimumab originator and biosimilars in Brazil: real-life evidence opportunity
    Mariana Jorge de Queiroz

    Poster pitch 11: MAN-02 – Regulatory Intelligence (RI) applied to the registration and post-variation of Bio-Manguinhos vaccines and biopharmaceuticals
    Celina Vieira da Cunha Guedes Alvarenga

    Poster pitch 12: MAN-04 – Implementation of the Lead Time methodology for managing the analysis of pharmaceutical inputs in Quality Control
    Ana Paula Roque da Silva

  • Main aspects of production and quality of hexavalent vaccines and experience of implementing acellular vaccines in public programs in Latin America

    Chair: Dr José Cássio de Moraes, São Paulo Medical School

    Main aspects of acellular Vaccines´ Production and Quality
    Dr Cesar Mascareñas, Sanofi

    Experience of acellular vaccines` introduction in public programs in Latin America
    Dra María Luisa Ávila Aguero, University of Costa Rica

  • Chair:
    Carlos Gadelha, SECTICS / Brazilian MoH *

    Artur Couto, Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz; Esper Georges Kallás, Butantan; Luiz Marinho, ALFOB; Odilon José da Costa Filho, Abifina

  • Oral presentation 4: MAN-01 – Building A Healthy Future: Health Needs And Technological Horizons In Immunobiologicals – Julianna do Nascimento e Silva Varela

  • Authorities:
    – Carlos Gadelha, SECTICS / Brazilian MoH
    – Mario Santos Moreira, Fiocruz
    – Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO**
    – Jarbas Barbosa** and Socorro Gross, PAHO
    – Carlos Ivan Simonsen Leal , FGV
    – Maurício Zuma, Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz
    – Akira Homma, Fiocruz/Bio-Manguinhos – 8th ISI Scientific and Technological Committee

  • Science talks 4 – Poster session (exhibition + pitchs)

    Poster pitch 13: IVD-04 – Design of a new optimized VLP as a positive control of molecular diagnostic kits
    Alexandre Rodrigues Calazans

    Poster pitch 14: IVD-06 – Establishing proof-of-concept for multiplex lateral flow assay to congenital and perinatal infections
    Ana Paula dos Santos

    Poster pitch 15: IVD-15 – Development of a new multiplex platform for detection and screening for virus-caused exanthematic diseases
    Pedro Henrique Cardoso

    Poster pitch 16: IVD-14 – Extending the Shelf-Life of Protein A Gold conjugate for Rapid Syphilis Testing: A Comprehensive Stability Analysis
    Giselle Santana de Oliveira

    Poster pitch 17: IVD-05 – Development and Optimization of Immunological Assay for Evaluation of FITC Immunoconjugates
    Marcelle Mello

    Poster pitch 18: IVD-10 – Assessment of coinfection by Ehrlichia canis and Babesia canis in a Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis serological panel
    Carlos Renato Calvet da Silva

  • May 09

  • Welcome coffee

    Poster pitch 19: BIO-16 – Sustainable compendial grade GMP detergent substitutes for Triton™ X-100 in bioprocessing applications
    Letícia Paifer Marques

    Poster pitch 20: BIO-11 – Characterization of anti-PD-1 biosimilar monoclonal antibody candidates using established methodologies
    Thayane Aparecida Alves de Araujo

    Poster pitch 21: BIO-09 – Structural modeling of two anti-Acinetobacter baumannii monoclonal antibodies and the target surface protein
    Laianne Dias Inácio

    Poster pitch 22: IVD-08 – Evaluation of molecular assays for the detection of respiratory viruses with a view to structuring the national Wastewater-based epidemiology program
    Lara Corrêa Umpierre Henriques

  • Oral presentation 6: IVD-03 – Assessment of the activity of the anti-PBP2a monoclonal antibody from methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) against Enterococcus spp. – Julia Hamam de Lucca Teixeira

  • Foundations for translational research and partnerships to accelerate the technological development of biologic products

    Leda Castilho, UFRJ*

    Brazilian National Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM): cutting-edge Science to tackle Global Health Challenges
    Sandra Dias – CNPEM/LMBIO

    Prototype plant
    Ricardo de Godoi Mattos Ferreira, Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz

    Infrastructure to accelerate Innovation in vacines
    Raches Ella, Bharat Biotec*


  • Coffee break

    Poster pitch 23: ORT-09 – Laboratory diagnosis of human parvovirus B19 infection in acute febrile illnesses in a malaria-endemic area on the border of Brazil and French Guiana
    Ester dos Santos Motta

    Poster pitch 24: VAC-10 – Peptides for a polyeptide anti-leishmanial vaccine
    Prisciliana Jesus de Oliveira

    Poster pitch 25: VAC-08 – Downstream establishment of the chimeric live-attenuated zika virus vaccine
    Stephanie Almeida da Silva
    Poster pitch 26: ORT-04 – Exploring the Interplay of CLEC5A and Zika Virus: In Silico and In Vitro Investigations
    Ryann de Souza Nascimento

  • Chair:
    Ricardo de Godoi, Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz

    Next-generation virus production: from clone, to AMBR, to perfusion and very high virus yield
    Yvonne Genzel, Max-Planck-Institute, Germany*

    Vaccines for a safer world – the pitfalls in the development of vaccines for neglected diseases
    Hayato Urabe, GHIT*

    Managing innovation in human health biotechnology startups in Brazil: Evidence and lessons learned
    Paulo Negreiros Figueiredo, FGV*

  • Chair:
    Marco Alberto Medeiros, Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz

    Lumit™️: Uma plataforma para o desenvolvimento de métodos rápidos e sensíveis de detecção de analitos
    Juliano Alves, Promega Corporation

    Plant and Microalgae Extracellular Vesicles as Carriers of RNA-based Therapeutics
    Lionel Navarro, IBENS

  • Lunch box

    Poster pitch 27: ORT-06 – Human papillomavirus DNA versus Pap smear screening test in women living with human immunodeficiency virus
    Milena Siqueira Pereira

    Poster pitch 28: VAC-09 – Human Papillomavirus vaccination safety: signal detection from vaccine pharmacovigilance, Brazil, 2013-2022
    Mateus de Paula von Glehn

    Poster pitch 29: ORT-18 – Molecular epidemiology of Human Papillomavirus
    Rachel Siqueira de Queiroz Simoes

    Poster pitch 30: BIO-07 – Upstream optimization of recombinant L-asparaginase production in E. coli for the treatment of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
    Gabriela de Assis Ferreira

    Poster pitch 31: ORT-11 – Generation of allogeneic 19BBz CAR-T using CRISPR
    Eduardo Mannarino Correia

    Poster pitch 32: BIO-08 – Optimizing sample preparation and nLC-MS/MS for mAB characterization
    Rodrigo Soares Caldeira Brant

    Poster pitch 33: BIO-12 – Obtainment and characterization of TIM-3_ECD-FC in HEK293-T cells as an antigen for the selection of antibodies for antitumor immunotherapy
    Marielly Câmara Rocha

    Poster pitch 34: BIO-03 – Evaluation of the affinity between single-chain M971 antibody fragments and the CD22 membrane glycoprotein for a CAR-T cell
    Alice Soares de Queiroz

  • Chair:
    Gustavo Mendes, Butantan

    Korean approach sudy case
    Christiane Gerke, IVI

    China approach study case
    George Fu Gao, Chinese Academy of Sciences*

  • Oral presentation 8: BIO-01 – Efficient large-scale point-of-care production of affordable Anti-CD19 CAR-T cells for leukemia immunotherapy – Leonardo Ribeiro Batista Silva

  • Chair:
    Antonio Carlos Campos de Carvalho, Fiocruz

    AAV – based vectors as a platform for treating diseases
    James Wilson, UPENN*

    Lentiviral vector-based solutions to treat human diseases
    Boro Dropulic, Caring Cross

    Gene therapy- based approaches to treat patients in SUS
    Martín Bonamino, INCa/Fiocruz

    Marco Krieger, Fiocruz*

  • May 10

  • Welcome coffee

    Poster pitch 35: VAC-05 – Design of a global multiepitope orthohantavirus vaccine: An Immunoinformatics Approach
    Silvia da Silva Fontes

    Poster pitch 36: IVD-07 – Development and standardization of the PAN–FLAVI assay for the detection of flaviviruses with epidemiological importance in Brazil
    Anielly Ferreira de Brito

    Poster pitch 37: IVD-09 – Adaptation and evaluation of point-of-care tests for infectious diseases in the telediagnosis system in Pernambuco – UBS
    Wagner José Tenório dos Santos

    Poster pitch 38: IVD-12 – Kit Molecular ZC_D Tipagem Bio-Manguinhos: arbovirus discriminatory assay in CSF simples
    Beatriz Vasconcello de Souza Barreto

  • Oral presentation 10: VAC-01 – Type I interferon innate errors causing severe adverse events following yellow fever vaccination: a family-based case study – Tamiris Azamor da Costa Barros

  • Chair:
    Margareth Dalcolmo, Fiocruz

    Vaccination policy against Dengue
    Eder Gatti, CGPNI – MoH

    Wolbachia method: a powerful strategy for controlling arboviruses
    Karlos Diogo Chalegre, Fiocruz

    Clinical trials of a Dengue vaccine
    Fernanda Castro Boulos, Butantan

  • Coffee break

    Poster pitch 39: IVD-13 – Comparing Blue and Red Gold Nanoparticles in Protein A Bioconjugation for Rapid Diagnostic Tests
    Gabriel Mustafá Misirli

    Poster pitch 40: ORT-17 – Continuous Flow Synthesis of Monodisperse Gold Nanoparticles
    Waldemir de Castro Silveira

    Poster pitch 41: VAC-04 – Assessing mRNA Integrity using Capillary Electrophoresis: Insights into Scientific Parameters
    Raysa Silva de Souza

    Poster pitch 42: ORT-13 – Identification of isolates from an immunobiological industry: comparison between VITEK®2, MALDI-TOF MS and 16S rRNA gene sequencing
    Maria Luiza Soares de Souza

  • Chair:
    Milena Botelho Pereira Soares, Senai CIMATEC / Fiocruz-Bahia*

    mRNA vacines platform
    Patricia Neves, Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz*

    RNAi therapeutics: moving from the research to a reality
    Jing-Tao Wu, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals*


  • Lunch box

    Poster pitch 43: ORT-12 – Influence of carbonic anhydrase IX and Cyclooxygenase-2 on Immune Checkpoint
    Renata Schmieder Pivetta

    Poster pitch 44: BIO-05 – Development of a peptide mapping protocol with post-translational modifications detection for the recombinant human erythropoietin by LC-MS/MS-based proteomics
    Jose Roberto Aparecido dos Santos-Pinto

    Poster pitch 45: BIO-10 – Consensus serine protease toxin design as antigen and cross-immunization combined strategy for generation of broadly binding antibodies
    Daniel Alexandre de Souza

    Poster pitch 46: IVD-11 – Comparison of two forms of a multi-epitope protein, DxCruziV3, for the development of an ELISA-based diagnostic test for Chagas disease
    Juliana Toledo Nascimento

    Poster pitch 47: ORT-19 – Neurofilament light chain as biomarkers for therapeutic monitoring in patients with Relapsing remitting Multiple Sclerosis
    Larissa Araujo Duarte

    Poster pitch 48: ORT-03 – Humoral immunological status after heterologous boosts with COVID-19 vaccines: neutralizing antibodies and IgG avidity against ancestral or variants of SARS-CoV-2
    Brenda de Moura Dias

    Poster pitch 49: ORT-14 – Neutralizing antibody Levels against Wuhan Strain and the Omicron Variant of SARS-CoV-2 in patients with COVID-19 Disease
    Ingrid Siciliano Horbach

    Poster pitch 50: BIO-04 – Surveillance of influenza viruses with reduced susceptibility to antivirals in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Thiago das Chagas Sousa

  • Chair:
    Pedro Burger, Fiocruz/CRIS

    Government agenda
    Alexandre Ghisleni, MoH/AISA*

    Engagement and innovation agenda
    Graziela Ferrero Zucoloto, IPEA – T20

    Scientific and academic agenda
    Patricia Bozza – Fiocruz and ABC – S20

  • Chair:
    Akira Homma, Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz

    Keynote speaker:
    Rino Rappuoli, Biotecnopolo di Siena Foundation

  • Chair:
    Maurício Zuma, Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz

    Keynote speaker:
    Sarah Gilbert, Oxford University*

    Clinical trials of the coronavírus vaccine in Brazil
    Sue Ann Costa Clemmens, Oxford University


