To submit your abstract, you must first be registered for the event. If registration has already been completed, simply access your account and submit as many abstracts as you wish.
All works must be submitted in the format of a structured summary, using the form available on the event website and will be evaluated by the Symposium’s Scientific and Technological Committee (CCT).
Only abstracts accepted by this committee will be published in the event proceedings, made available in the Fiocruz institutional repository (ARCA) and presented in poster format during ISI to compete for awards.
The posters will be presented both in person at the event’s exhibition center, and virtually, on the 8th ISI app.
The participant who submits the abstract must be the first author and will be responsible for it to the event organization, receiving all communication and having the certificate linked to his account.
There is no limit of the number of abstracts submitted or co-authored per participant.
The inclusion of the name of co-authors does not guarantee their participation in the event. Everyone who wants to participate need to register individually.
During submission, abstracts must be classified into the following categories: vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, reagents for diagnosis, management and other related topics. And at least two areas of knowledge that best characterize the work must be chosen from a list available on the form.
Doubts and issues regarding the submission of abstracts and presentation of posters will be decided by the symposium’s Scientific Committee, which will seek to respond to requests carefully. All decisions of the Commission regarding the acceptance of abstracts will be sovereign and irrevocable.
The 8th ISI Poster Exhibition will be entirely digital, either in person on digital totems during the 3 days of the event, or on the app as a virtual poster. The virtual poster must be organized in the same way as a traditional printed poster, however, the final version will not be printed, but rather saved in PDF format according to the recommendations below:
There will be an Independent Award Evaluation Committee, made up of researchers of recognized excellence, not linked to Fiocruz, who will evaluate the posters for awards. All posters presented are eligible for awards, regardless of their selection for oral presentation in a plenary session.
The criteria for the award are:
The decisions of the Independent Awards Committee will be sovereign and irrevocable.
The three best works submitted for participation in the symposium will be chosen by the Independent Prize Evaluation Committee and will receive a certificate, in addition to a cash prize (gross amounts):
1st place: Oswaldo Cruz Award – R$ 7,000.00
2nd place: Carlos Chagas Award – R$ 5,000.00
3rd place: Alcides Godoy Award – R$ 3,000.00
Three other prizes will be offered for the best Young Scientific Talent works – submitted by authors up to 26 years of age:
Henrique de Azevedo Penna Prize – R$ 1,000.00
Evandro Chagas Prize – R$ 1,000.00
Sérgio Arouca Prize – R$ 1,000.00
The independent Prize Evaluation Committee may select other works to be highlighted through honorable mentions, without cash prizes, if they deem it necessary.
Since its 2021 edition, where the virtual exhibition of posters appeared via the event’s app, the International Symposium on Immunobiologicals has also had the Popular Poster Award, offered to the work most voted by participants via the app. The winner receives a certificate, as well as R$1,000.00 in cash (gross amounts).
To publish works by Bio-Manguinhos collaborators, whether authors or co-authors, NIT-Bio approval is required. This release must be made on the summary submission form, by attaching the publication authorizations given by the following bodies: immediate supervisor and deputy director. These authorizations must be requested before the work is submitted to the Scientific Committee, so that they can be attached to the form.
Proof of Genetic Heritage registration must also be attached to the form, when applicable.
6th International Symposium on Immunobiologicals
1º lugar – Prêmio Oswaldo Cruz
Evaluation of antitumor activity of 5 RNA interference in conjunction for the treatment of breast cancer in nude mice
Ana Beatriz Teixeira Frederico
2º Lugar – Prêmio Carlos Chagas
Waste valorization through sustainable management at the Instituto de Tecnologia em Imunobiológicos – Bio-Manguinhos /Fiocruz. Case study
Raul Gonçalves Severo
3º Lugar – Prêmio Alcides Godoy
Transforming growth factor beta neutralization reduces Trypanosoma cruzi infection and improves the cardiac performance
Roberto Rodrigues Ferreira
Jovem Talento – Prêmio Henrique de Azevedo Penna
Albuquerque Aragão
Piggybac transposon-based production of anti-HER2 CAR T cell
Emmanuel Arthur
Jovem Talento – Prêmio Evandro Chagas
A significant portion of undergraduate health science students are not immunized as they should
Claudia Lamarca Vitral
Jovem Talento – Prêmio Sergio Arouca
Determination of neutralizing antibodies to SARS-COV-2 by recombinant pseudovirus methodology in a cohort of patients with mild to moderate infection and/or vaccinated
Sarah Aparecida Rodrigues Sérgio
Prêmio Votação Popular
Median Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID50) as a validated tool to measure antiviral activity in functionalized textiles
Adriana de Souza Azevedo Soares
Menção Honrosa
The benefits of empathetic leadership in the work environment – a case study: laboratory of virological technology (latev)
Liliane Regina da S. Ivan
Menção Honrosa
The cellular response elicited by ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (Astrazeneca) vaccine in a cohort from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with or without previous SARS-CoV-2 infection
Tamiris Azamor da Costa Barros
Menção Honrosa
bLf-PrP interaction: the antiprion effect of bovine lactoferrin
Caroline Augusto Barros
Premiação Innovation Hub – Escape Game
Rosana Moura de Andrade
V International Symposium on Immunobiologicals – 2021
1st place – Oswaldo Cruz Award
VAC-16 | Duration of immunity in volunteers ten years after a dose-response yellow fever vaccine study
Tatiana Guimarães de Noronha
2nd place – Carlos Chagas Award
OTR-19 | Congenital zika syndrome is associated with interferon alfa receptor 1
Tamiris Azamor
3rd place – Alcides Godoy Award
REA-05 | Development of a R$1 molecular test for rapid and direct detection of chikungunya virus from patient and mosquito samples
Severino Jefferson R. Silva
Young Scientific Talent – Henrique de Azevedo Penna Award
VAC-18 | Evaluation of humoral and cellular immune response after heterologous prime-boost immunization against SARS-CoV-2
Patrick Prestes de Azevedo
Young Scientific Talent – Evandro Chagas Award
REA-10 | Development of a rapid test for detection of anti-covid-19 IgG and IgM antibodies
Thiciany Blener Lopes
Young Scientific Talent – Alcides Godoy Award
BIO-15 | Tool development for analysis of scFv NGS data in databases related to 3d structures: evolution of antibodies in silico
Mathias Coelho Batista
Posters Popular
BIO-02 | Production of a monoclonal antibody against SARS-CoV-2 and determination of viral neutralization capacity
Nathalie Bonatti Franco Almeida
Honorable Mention
OTR-25 | EBV and HHV-6 infection in multiple sclerosis: search infection in multiple sclerosis: search for possible association with clinical phenotypes
Jéssica Gonçalves Pereira
Honorable Mention
VAC-14 | Immunogenicity of a 17-DD yellow fever vaccine in a dengue and zika endemic area of Paraiba state, Brazil
Luiz Antonio Camacho
Honorable Mention
VAC-11 | Disruption of active trans-sialidase genes impairs the egress from mammalian host cells and generates highly attenuated trypanosoma cruzi parasites
Gabriela de A. Burle-caldas
IV International Symposium on Immunobiologicals – 2019
1st place – Oswaldo Cruz Award
A fully automated lab-on-a-chip platform for arboviral diagnosis
Luis Gustavo Morello
2nd place – Carlos Chagas Award
Leishmania Infatum lipophosphoglycan, a novel carbohydrate-base antigen for the immunodignosis visceral leishmaniasis
Rodrigo Pedro Soares
3rd place – Alcides Godoy Award
Reduction of the cycle of lyophilization of the vaccine Atenuated Yellow Fever presentation 02 and 05 doses of Bio-Manguinhos
Patrícia Alvarenga Agra
Young Scientific Talent – Henrique de Azevedo Penna Award
Development and Validation of Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) for Rapid Detection of ZIKV in Human Samples
Severino Jefferson Ribeiro da Silva
Young Scientific Talent – Evandro Chagas Award
Evaluation of the antitumor effect of Natural Killer cells expressing Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CAR) against murine melanoma cells
Mariana Saldanha Viegas Duarte
Young Scientific Talent – Alcides Godoy Award
Evaluation of humoral imune response against Streptococcus pneumoniae elicited by vaccination of mice with a recombinant influenza virus
Kimberly Freitas Cardoso
Honorable Mention
The role of technological roadmaps in shaping the future strategy for Bio-Manguinhos
Lethícia Mallet
Honorable Mention
Developing an intranasal vaccine against canine visceral leishmaniasis: a study of efficacy in mice
Isabella P. Da Silva Bezerra
Honorable Mention
Genetic basis for Yellow Fever Vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease (YEL-AVD): a preliminary report
Emerson Cicilini Mesquita
VI Seminário Anual Científico e Tecnológico – 2018
1st place – Oswaldo Cruz Award
OTR-24 | Clinical, laboratory and sonographic follow-up of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in Macaca mullata pregnant rhesus macaque treated with sofosbuvir
Noemi Rovaris Gardinali
2nd place – Carlos Chagas Award
OTR-22 | Immune landscape in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Luciana Rodrigues Carvalho Barros
3rd place – Alcides Godoy Award
VAC-03 | Estudo fase I, de segurança e imunogenicidade, da vacina dupla viral, para sarampo e rubéola, em adultos jovens
Eliane Matos dos Santos
Young Scientific Talent – Evandro Chagas Award
OTR-12 | Padronização de teste de neutralização por redução de focos (FRNT) para Zika como alternativa ao teste padrão-ouro PRNT.
José Henrique Rezende Linhares
Young Scientific Talent – Sergio Arouca Award
GES-10 | Mapeamento e avaliação dos perigos e pontos críticos de controle da produção do IFA de rubéola para vacina tríplice viral
Celina Vieira da Cunha Guedes Alvarenga
Young Scientific Talent – Henrique de Azevedo Penna Award
REA-11 | Seleção e caracterização de aptâmeros contra proteína PBP2a para o diagnóstico de infecção por Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina
Laís Nascimento Alves
Honorable Mention
GES-12 | Projeto de implantação de um sistema de gerenciamento de informações laboratoriais – LIMS
Felipe Mendes de Luca
Honorable Mention
OTR-20 | Production of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells for preclinical testing using non-viral transposon vectors and a lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL)
Leonardo Chicaybam
Honorable Mention
VAC-02 | Perfil epidemiológico de cepas de Neisseria meningitidis sorogrupo C circulantes no Brasil no período pré e pós vacinal
Aline Carvalho de Azevedo
V Seminário Anual Científico e Tecnológico – 2017
1st place – Oswaldo Cruz Award
Aumento da capacidade produtiva do insumo farmacêutico ativo da vacina febre amarela atenuada de Bio-Manguinhos
Caroline Moura Ramirez
2nd place – Carlos Chagas Award
Avaliação da resposta celular e humoral induzida pela vacina meningocócica C conjugada desenvolvida em Bio-Manguinhos
Etiene Moreira Gabriel
3rd place – Alcides Godoy Award
Epitoma do vírus mayaro e aplicação em novos métodos diagnósticos
Paloma Napoleão Pêgo
Young Scientific Talent – Evandro Chagas Award
Analises estratégicas para minimizar reação cruzada em Teste de Neutralização por redução de Placas de Lise do vírus da zika
Stephanie Almeida da Silva
Young Scientific Talent – Sergio Arouca Award
Viabilidade do uso de 1,10 fenantrolina e aptâmeros anti-MUC1 como radiossensibilizadores em células de câncer de mamas
Laís Nascimento Alves
Young Scientific Talent – Henrique de Azevedo Penna Award
Generation of a scFv antagonistic to VLA-4 integrin as potential therapeutic target in muscular dystrophies: in silico phasetor
Beatriz Chaves
Honorable Mention
Ferramenta de criticidade para o processo decisório da gestão de manutenção de equipamentos de controle de qualidade no caso Alfaepoetina
Aline da Silva Lima
Honorable Mention
Challenges in Influenza B in Brazil: from vaccine mismatches to viral evolutionary dynamics
Maria de Lourdes Aguiar Oliveira
Honorable Mention
Obtenção da proteína recombinante E2 do vírus chikungunya como insumo para o desenvolvimento de um novo teste diagnóstico
Carolina Lessa-Aquino