Post-doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences and molecular biology from the Universities of Nottingham and Cambridge (England). PhD and MSc in Chemistry from the University of York (England). Graduated in Biology from The American University of Athens (Greece). He has experience in biochemistry, biophysics and bioinorganic chemistry, with emphasis on molecular biology, working mainly on the following topics: aptamers, G-quadruplexes, inflammation and cancer, and development of new nucleic acid-based diagnostics and therapeutics. He was awarded by the European Association for Cancer Reaseach (EACR).
He served as professor at The Open University and as visiting professor at the Universities of Lisbon (Portugal), Paris (France) and Patras (Greece), as well as at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). He was founder and director of Euzoia Limited (Great Britain). At Fiocruz, he was a senior visiting researcher at the Laboratory of Hantaviroses and Rickettsioses at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC). He is currently the deputy director of technology development at Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz.