III International Symposium on Immunobiologicals

O III International Symposium on Immunobiologicals foi planejado para ser um hub para cientistas, empreendedores e empresas de biotecnologia para acelerar o desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras para a saúde da população.

Annals of the III International Symposium on Immunobiologicals

Download the proceedings of the event in PDF


From May 2 to 5, 2016, Bio-Manguinhos organized the III International Symposium on Immunobiologicals together with the IV Annual Scientific and Technological Seminar on Immunobiologicals at Bio-Manguinhos (SACT-Bio), in celebration of the Institute’s 40th anniversary.
The main objective of the event was to stimulate the promotion of technological development, the integration among researchers and technologists, and to give visibility to the scientific production of Bio-Manguinhos, Fiocruz and partner institutions in the immunobiology area, besides providing an analysis and reflection on the trajectory of this public institution, whose mission is to develop and produce immunobiologicals necessary for the Unified Health System (SUS). With this initiative, Bio-Manguinhos has created conditions favorable to the improvement and professional qualification, stimulating new approaches, processes and technologies for immunobiologicals, besides identifying new talents, stimulating networking and favoring the participation of new researchers from other institutions in the country and abroad.
The Symposium is an international event, with the presence of renowned and cutting-edge speakers, who bring innovative subjects and important discussions to stimulate technological development in the area of biotechnology in Brazil, which takes place every five years. The previous events, the 30th and 35th anniversary of the institute, took place in 2006 and 2011, respectively. This year’s 40th edition was held at the SulAmérica Convention Center in Cidade Nova, Rio de Janeiro.

To mark the celebrations, Bio-Manguinhos paid tribute to 10 people who have contributed significantly to the development of the Institute over these 40 years of trajectory, either personally or representing a partner institution. The honorees were the following:

Carla Magda Domingues – General Coordinator of the National Immunization Program
Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Júnior (represented by Joel Majerowicz) – director of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa)
Paulo Ernani Gadelha Vieira – president of Fiocruz
Isabella Ballalai – president of the Brazilian Society of Immunizations
Eduardo Da Silva Vaz (represented by Reinaldo de Menezes Martins) – President of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics
João Paulo Baccara de Araújo – General Coordinator of Blood and Blood Products of the Ministry of Health
José Miguel Do Nascimento Junior – Director of the Department of Pharmaceutical Assistance and Strategic Inputs of the Ministry of Health
Carlos Alberto Frota – Technical Assistant of the Yellow Fever Laboratory of the Department of Viral Vaccines of Bio-Manguinhos, (as the most senior employee)
Akira Homma – Senior Scientific Advisor (for contribution)
Eduardo Costa – Secretary of Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs of the Ministry of Health (representing the Ministry of Health)

The program of the III International Symposium on Immunobiologicals included:


  • 5 Workshops [3h]
  • 1 opening lecture [40 min + 20 min discussion]
  • Opening cocktail
  • 1 colloquium [2h 30 min]
  • 10 lectures [30 min + 20 min discussion]
  • 16 oral poster presentations [10 min presentation + 10 min discussion]
  • 7 modules for visiting the poster exhibition

The subjects of the lectures and their respective presenters were:

Gavi and the challenge for vaccine producers in developing countries (opening keynote)
Michael Clark, Market Formation Advisor, GAVI Alliance

Colloquium on Zika
Patricia Brasil (INI), Consuelo S. de Oliveira (IEC), Wilson Savino (IOC), Ricardo Lourenço (IOC)

Ennio De Gregorio, Head of Research and Preclinical Development, GSK Vaccines Italy

Innovative technologies in new vaccine development
Ennio De Gregorio, head of preclinical research and development, GSK Vaccines Italy

Public Health (immunization programs)
Jon Andrus, executive vice president, Sabin Institute

Infliximab – discovery, development and lifecycle management of a life-changing immunobiologic
Larry Doolittle, engineer, Janssen

HIV monoclonal antibodies
Michel Nussenzweig, research physician, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Innovation Policy and the New S, T & I Legal Framework
Sergio Gargioni, president, Confap

New approaches to the regulation of HIV self-testing: the view from the inside
Elliot Cowan, Director, LLC

Micro and Nano technology for point-of-care diagnostics
Hercules Neves, Scientific Director, Unitec

Antimicrobial Resistance and Perspectives
Antoine Andremont, chairman of the scientific board, Da Volterra

The role of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in vaccine development for developing countries
Katey Owen, Deputy Director, Vaccine Development, Gates Foundation

Prior to the official opening of the event, 5 pre-event workshops took place, where special guests were invited to present the latest trends and technologies in their fields and the audience could interact with the table in an open debate. The themes of the workshops and the composition of their tables were as follows:

Presenters: Ennio De Gregorio and Steven Reed
Coordinator: Marco A. Medeiros
Debaters: Denise Matos, Patricia Neves and Jose Mauro Peralta
Presenters: Alexander Henning Ulrich, Antero de Andrade, Luiz Ricardo Goulart and Sotiris Missailidis
Coordinator: Elba Lemos
Debaters: Jose Procopio, Mariana Waghabi, Paulo Lee Ho and Antonio Gomes Pinto
Emerging Arboviruses: Chikungunya and Zika
Presenters: Giovanini Coelho, Elena Caride, Patricia Alvarez and Reinaldo de Menezes Martins Coordinator: Ana Maria Bispo
Debaters: Marcos da Silva Freire, Sheila Lima and Betina Durovni
Knowledge governance
Presenters: Adelaide Antunes, Ana Celia Castro, Cristina Possas and Nisia Trindade
Coordinator: Akira Homma
Debaters: Carlos Morel, Reinaldo Guimaraes and Gilberto Soares
Nanotechnology applied to immunobiologicals
Presenters: Gilberto Weissmuller, Lucio Mendes Cabral, Valtencir Zucolotto and Helvécio Rocha
Coordinator: Samuel Goldenberg
Debaters: Eduardo Ruback, Hugo Defendi, Marco Krieger and Elezer Lemes

The event was addressed to all professionals involved in the public health area, researchers and/or graduate students in the field of immunobiologicals or related areas, collaborators from Fiocruz and from institutions producing and/or developing vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, or diagnostic reagents. Participation in the International Symposium on Immunobiologicals and in the Annual Scientific and Technological Seminar was open to the public and free of charge. In all, 827 professionals registered for the event, of which 43% were from Bio-Manguinhos and 57% from other institutes and companies. Of these, 690 actually attended the event (78% attendance). The capacity of the auditorium was 500 people per day.

The entire scientific program of the event was put together by the Scientific and Technological Commission (CCT), coordinated by Drs. Akira Homma, Reinaldo de Menezes and Cristina Possas and composed by Aline Oliveira, Amicar Tanuri, Ana Paula Cossenza, Antonio G P , Beatriz Fialho, Cristiane Frensch Pereira, Isabella Lira Figueiredo, Ivna Alana Silveira, Jose Godinho da Silva Junior, Jose Procopio Moreno Senna, Luciane Pinto Gaspar, Marcos da Silva Freire, Maria de Lourdes Sousa Maia, Rodrigo Coelho Ventura Pinto, Sheila Farage, as members of Bio-Manguinhos, and Adelaide Antunes, Jorge Antonio Zepeda Bermudez, José Paulo Leite, Elba Regina Sampaio de Lemos, Ernesto Marques, Luiz Antônio Bastos Camacho, Marco Aurelio Krieger Marilda Siqueira, Martin Bonamino, Paulo Lee Ho, Pedro Vasconcelos, Rodrigo G. Stabeli and Wilson Savino, as external members.

Confira os destaques do III Simpósio Internacional de Imunobiológicos

1st day - May 2rd

Check out the best moments of the event

2nd day - May 3rd

Check out the best moments of the event

3rd day - May 5rd

Check out the best moments of the event

The best papers presented were awarded with cash prizes. The choice of these best works was made by the Independent Awards Evaluation Commission, formed by Cristina Brandileone (IAL/USP), Marco Stephano (USP), José Mauro Peralta (UFRJ), Maria Sato (USP), José Victor Bontempo (UFRJ) and Lia Hasenclever (UFRJ). The result of the awards was as follows:

III International Symposium on Immunobiologicals Poster Award Winners

2nd Place – Carlos Chagas Award

Young Talent

Evandro Chagas Award

Honorable Mention

III ISI 2016 Program
