Akira Homma has a degree in Veterinary Science from Universidade Federal Fluminense and a specialization in virology from Baylor College of Medicine (USA) as a fellow of the Pan-American Health Organization (OPAS) and a PhD in Science from the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of USP . He was president of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) and the Institute of Molecular Biology of Paraná (IBMP), vice-president of Technology at Fiocruz and director of the Institute of Technology in Immunobiologicals at Fiocruz (Bio-Manguinhos) in two periods, where he was also president of the Scientific-Technological Council.
He is currently Senior Scientific Advisor at Bio-Manguinhos, researcher emeritus at Fiocruz and vice-president of Biotechnology at Abifina. He participates in the organization of scientific events with the participation of international scientists, such as the International Immunobiological Symposium (ISI). He was elected as one of the 50 most influential people in the world in vaccines, having received more than 20 awards and titles and published more than 70 articles in indexed journals.