Registrations are open!

The participation in ISI is free of charge. Professionals involved inthe area of public health, researchers or students in the field ofimmunobiologicals or similar, and collaborators from Fiocruz and institutionsproducing and/or technological development of national or internationalvaccines, biopharmaceuticals or diagnostic reagents can participate.Entrepreneurs, startups, investors and national and international developmentagencies are also invited to participate.

There will be four classes, in the morning and afternoon, in the Auditorium of the Vinicius Fonseca Administrative Center (Av. Brasil, 4365 – Vinicius Fonseca Administrative Center – Manguinhos)  and online.

Guided tour

How about taking advantage of your participation in the 8th International Symposium on Immunobiologicals program to get to know the Fiocruz campus?

Get to know the event

What is the International Symposium on Immunobiologicals?

The International Symposium on Immunobiologicals (ISI) is an international scientific event, organized by the Institute of Technology on Immunobiologicals (Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz). Reaching its 9th edition in 2025, the ISI addresses varied topics in the area of immunobiological knowledge, including vaccines, biopharmaceuticals and diagnostic reagents, as well as technological development, production, processing, market and management in these topics.

By bringing together professionals focused on the area of public health, national and international researchers and students, the ISI aims to sharecutting-edge knowledge in the area of immunobiologicals and, thus, promote Brazilian scientific and technological development, in addition to givingvisibility to national scientific production, mainly regardind thebiotechnology sector. 

Registrations are open!

The participation in ISI is free of charge. Professionals involved inthe area of public health, researchers or students in the field ofimmunobiologicals or similar, and collaborators from Fiocruz and institutionsproducing and/or technological development of national or internationalvaccines, biopharmaceuticals or diagnostic reagents can participate.Entrepreneurs, startups, investors and national and international developmentagencies are also invited to participate.

Abstracts & Posters

ISI is the right place to give visibility to your scientific production!You can register your unpublished work on vaccines, diagnostic kits andbiopharmaceuticals, management or other related topics. There is no limit tothe number of abstracts to be submitted per author. The selected works willparticipate in the poster exhibition and will also compete for prizes! Inaddition to the physical exhibition, posters are also available in the virtualgallery, with space for interaction. 

The International Symposium on Immunobiologicals brings innovation, uniting global science and scientific and technological development

Our numbers until now

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Awards given
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Scientific programming


Scientific posters presentation

Innovation enviroment

Full schedule available soon!

Participating in ISI is a unique opportunity to connect with the forefront of biotechnology, innovation, and global scientific collaboration.

Destaques da última edição

8th ISI promove olhar para o futuro

A oitava edição do International Symposium on Immunobiologicals – ISI foi concluída com o olhar para o futuro que permeou todo o evento e números que expressam a relevância da iniciativa de Bio-Manguinhos. O encontro híbrido e gratuito durou três dias (de 8 e 10 de maio) e ofereceu painéis, apresentações e o lançamento de um livro, reunindo mais de 50 países, entre 3.338 inscritos e 52 palestrantes.

Workshop prepara possíveis autores para submissão de trabalhos científicos no 8th ISI

Nos dias 22 e 23 de janeiro, o Instituto de Tecnologia em Imunobiológicos (Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz) realizou, no auditório do Centro Administrativo Vinícius Fonseca (CAVIF), o Workshop sobre submissão de pôsteres.

Inovação em saúde promove autonomia e ampliação do acesso

O segundo dia do 8th International Symposium on Immunobiologicals foi marcado por apresentações sobre a importância da inovação em saúde para a conquista de autonomia e ampliação do acesso.

Registration opening soon!

Participating in ISI is a unique chance to connect with the forefront of biotechnology, innovation and global scientific collaboration.

Registrations are open!

Abertura das inscrições

Participating in ISI is a unique chance to connect with the forefront of biotechnology, innovation and global scientific collaboration.

Companies that have been with ISI in the past



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